Afterschool Explorations in Science Program
INCRE has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop an engaging science discovery curriculum for upper elementary and middle school youth in urban after-school programs. The new after-school curriculum will be based on the award-winning Sunflower Science Curriculum that has been developed by INCRE with prior NSF support. Themes for exploration and investigation are being developed in collaboration with twelve after-school programs in Eastern Massachusetts that are serving as pilot sites. For additional information go to AXIS.
Sunflower/Girasol Bilingual Science Discovery and Environmental Education Curriculum for Primary School Children
Sunflower/Girasol is a fully bilingual Spanish/English curriculum designed to encourage students to develop language skills and at the same time to turn their interest to the world of scientific discovery. The full-color format of Sunflower/Girasol invites children in grades 2-6 to engage in science and environmental education activities and to carry out investigations in their schools, homes and communities curso design grafico sobre Each thematic unit of Sunflower/Girasol is presented in a full-color magazine format activity book in either Spanish or English, with an accompanying teacher’s guide. The first six units of Sunflower/Girasol are Plants, Water, Human Body, Air, Trash and Sound. The project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, with additional support by the ARCO Foundation. The Sunflower/Girasol curriculum has recently been endorsed by the US Department of Education Expert Panel on Mathematics and Science Education as a Promising Science Program, one of only five primary school science curricula to receive this honor nationally.
Please click here to learn more
Sunflower/Girasol Multicultural Bilingual Story Books
The Sunflower/Girasol story books are based on the multicultural children characters featured in the science inquiry curriculum. They promote the integration of the development of literacy skills with science, social studies, art, drama and music. |
Each story is narrated by a character from a different Latin American country. As they read, students learn about the culture of the country, and engage in a variety of activities that promote reading comprehension, writing skills, and discussion of ethical and emotional issues of importance to children.
Each book comes with a Teacher’s Guide that suggests a variety of interdisciplinary learning activities. The books are written at a 2nd and 3rd grade reading level and are available in Spanish and English. Please click here to learn more

Promoting Learning Through Play in Kindergarten
INCRE is working with the Boston Public Schools to develop a guide for teachers and school administrators on strategies to integrate play in the Kindergarten curriculum. The guide, entitled Promoting Learning Through Play Across the Kindergarten Day, reinforces the idea that structured play is important in children’s learning, and provides numerous illustrated examples of good practices across the curriculum.
Together! Parental Involvement Curriculum |
INCRE has developed a training kit for teachers and parent liaisons to engage and involve Hispanic parents in schools. The kit consists of fifteen case studies and a Facilitator’s Guide. The case studies present common experiences of minority parents related to key factors that influence their involvement in their children’s education, both at school and at home.
The materials can be used to sensitize teachers and school administrators to the experiences and perspectives of parents.
The Together! parental involvement curriculum has been developed in collaboration with Parents P.L.A.C.E., the Goals 2000 Massachusetts statewide parent information and resource center.
Purchase Together! /¡Juntos!
Early Literacy Good Practices Guide
Based on a city-wide study of early childhood education literacy practices in Boston, INCRE has published a training guide entitled Good Practices that Promote Early Literacy Development. The Guide illustrates good practices in ten areas of emergent literacy development, and was used by INCRE as the training curriculum for more than 600 family child care providers throughout Massachusetts. The Guide was developed with funding from the Boston Zero to Eight Coalition, and has been published in English, Spanish and Chinese. The Guide and training have been certified by the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services.

Purchase Guide

Inventions! Social Studies Curriculum
Inventions! is a multicultural hands-on social studies and technology curriculum for students in grades 5-7. It is designed to promote research and problem solving skills, enhance students’ creativity and familiarize them with how important inventions made by minority inventors influence their daily lives.
The twelve-week curriculum begins by asking students to find a real problem in their class or school community to solve with a simple invention. Students are guided through a process of brainstorming, research, analysis and discovery in the process of making an original invention. Students then examine the positive and negative aspects of inventions, and investigate how one invention can lead to another. Inventions! is an engaging, intensive interdisciplinary curriculum that combines social studies, science, technology and math with research, writing and problem solving skills. The curriculum comes complete with a detailed teacher’s guide and a colorful student activity book and research guide.
Purchase Inventions!

Child Development Good Practices Guide
INCRE has developed a practical guide for family child care providers entitled Exemplary Practices that Promote Children’s Development.

The 100-page guide includes hundreds of color photographs of family child care providers interacting with the children in their care. INCRE is using the guide as the core text for training courses to prepare providers for NAFCC accreditation.
The guide is available in English and Spanish and is published by Child Development Family Systems, Inc. of Malden MA.
Purchase Guide

ASPCA Humane/Environmental Education Curricula
In 1998, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) contracted with INCRE to develop a Spanish-language activity-based curriculum for children in grades K-3 which promotes respectful attitudes toward animals and the environment.
The curriculum consists of thirty interdisciplinary hands-on activities, including role playing, investigating and problem solving. The materials include illustrated student activity sheets and a comprehensive teacher’s guide in Spanish and English. |
In 1999, INCRE developed an English language version of the curriculum, and in 2000-01 INCRE developed and field tested a new ASPCA humane/environmental curriculum called Sharing the World With Animals for children in grades 3-5. The new curriculum for the upper elementary grades has also been produced in English and Spanish. |
Los Árboles Hablan: Video-based Spanish Language Curriculum Based on the Study of Latin American Rain Forests |
Los Árboles Hablan is a three-week curriculum that consists of ten brief video segments and accompanying instructional materials for students in grades 7-10. The curriculum integrates science, social studies and environmental education while teaching the Spanish language.
The content focuses on the Amazon rain forest, the ancient temperate rain forests of Chile and Costa Rica’s cloud forest, presenting the reasons for and effects of deforestation and follow-up activities for rain forest preservation. |
The development of Los Árboles Hablan was sponsored by the US Department of Education International Research and Studies Program.
Please click here to learn more |
Development of ESL Curriculum for Providence, RI Public Schools
INCRE developed a comprehensive English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum for the Providence, RI Public Schools and assisted in its implementation.

Establishment of Model Primary Schools in Guyana
INCRE has worked with the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Guyana to establish fifteen Model Primary Schools in diverse locations around the country. The project includes the introduction of a new curriculum and instructional strategies, interdisciplinary student-centered learning, new student assessment strategies and school based management. The project is part of the government’s Primary Education Improvement Programme and is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank. |

Humane/Environmental Education Curriculum for Costa Rican Primary Schools
This education project of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the government of Costa Rica is a multi-disciplinary curriculum for grades 1-6 that educates children to protect the environment and develop a genuine respect for all forms of life. The curriculum activities are fully integrated with the national curriculum and an extensive teacher training network provides staff development and on-going support.

High School Curriculum Reform in Puebla, Mexico
From 1994 to 1997 INCRE conducted a comprehensive educational reform effort in a group of high schools in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The reform was designed to improve the quality of instruction, promote interdisciplinary and activity-based learning, enhance content and teaching methods, integrate the use of computers, and strengthen administrative procedures. The project included extensive curriculum design, staff development and evaluation.
INCRE professionals spent one week each month conducting teacher training and technical assistance. The implementation of the new curriculum significantly increased student attendance and motivation, and substantially decreased the dropout rate.
Curriculum Design for Honduran Bilingual School
INCRE provides technical assistance in curriculum development and teacher training for a bilingual primary and secondary school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The curriculum features interdisciplinary and activity-based learning and integration of computers across the curriculum.
INCRE has also designed a library and multimedia center for the school and assists in planning and acquisitions of the school’s library collections to complement the curriculum.
Technology Enhancement for Reading Skills (TERS)
Technology Enhancement for Reading Skills (TERS) addresses the transition for readers from simple narrative text to reading expository text in content classes at the upper elementary, middle and high school levels. Using commercial digital imaging and OCR technology, TERS enables teachers to modify academic text to enhance students’ reading strategies and understanding of science, social studies and other content. INCRE is providing staff development and technical assistance to several New England school districts that are implementing this approach. |
DOT-EDU Educational Technology Project
INCRE is a partner with Education Development Center in the implementation of the USAID DOT-EDU project, a five-year $70 million project to support the growth of information and communication technology in the developing world. INCRE is providing its expertise in MIS design, implementation of educational technology applications and provision of training programs in participating Latin American countries.
Instructional Computing at the Secondary and University Levels in Mexico
As part of a comprehensive educational reform effort in Puebla, Mexico, INCRE developed a three-year high school curriculum that integrates computers in the learning process. All high school students utilize computers to collect and analyze data, present results, write reports and publish illustrated documents, all geared to learning objectives in different subject areas. INCRE also developed specializations in graphic design and accounting. INCRE provided extensive staff development and formed a cadre of highly computer literate teachers.
At the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), INCRE developed an introductory computer course for all entering freshmen that promotes computer applications in different areas of study, and prepared a group of thirty professors to teach the course. INCRE also participated in the design and installation of a new educational technology center that houses instructional and open-access computer laboratories, and developed an educational technology implementation plan for the 50,000 student university.

LearnLink Educational Technology Project
INCRE has been a partner with the Academy for Educational Development in the USAID-sponsored LearnLink Project, which was designed to promote the use of educational technologies in developing nations.
As part of LearnLink, INCRE provided technical assistance to a non-governmental organization in Quito, Ecuador to set up an institutional web site, to promote on-line access to its databases in the area of population, health education and social development, and to strengthen its own human resource capacity in the use of educational technology. INCRE also provided technical assistance in the development and maintenance of an educational technology web site in Brazil. The web site is part of a Brazil Ministry of Education project to support teachers' increased educational use of computers in schools across the country.
Educational Technology Program in Argentina
INCRE is collaborated with Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad de Lomas de Zamora in Argentina to design a Master’s Degree program in Educational Technology, and created the Leonardo da Vinci Center for Education and Computers. INCRE provided technical assistance to the faculty of the program and education research center.
Use of Computers in High School ESL/Bilingual Program
INCRE has worked with high school bilingual and ESL teachers in New Haven, CT to integrate the use of computers across the curriculum.
Educational Use of Computers in Chile
INCRE has provided training to the faculty of the School of Education at the Universidad de Santiago, Chile in the educational uses of computers. Training fostered the use of computers in university courses and in a teacher training program.
Model Program for Integrated Use of Computers in Honduras
Since 1991, INCRE has been providing technical assistance and training in the design and implementation of an educational technology program that promotes the integrated use of computers throughout the preschool, primary and secondary schools programs of a Honduran bilingual school.

National Educational Statistics Database in Panama |
INCRE has worked with the Ministry of Education in Panama to establish a longitudinal student level database that contains information on all 600,000 students in the Panamanian education system. The database will yield accurate and timely information on student enrollment, promotion, repetition and drop-out rates, and will include results of national standardized tests and school grades.
Management Information System for Central American Corporation
INCRE has provided technical assistance and training to a Central American Corporation headquartered in Honduras in the design and installation of a Management Information and Accounting System. The system includes a centralized MIS database and SAP accounting software, with satellite-based telecommunications connections to offices in eight countries. |
Management Information System in the Dominican Republic
INCRE has assisted a corporation in Santo Domingo in the selection, design and implementation of a management information system to integrate company operations in six locations across the Dominican Republic.

Design of Evaluation and Testing Components of National Educational Reforms
INCRE has designed the student assessment, standardized testing, educational statistics and program evaluation components of major national educational reform projects in Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica. All three projects have been funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.
National Student Assessment Project in Trinidad and Tobago
INCRE has worked with the Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago to implement a secondary school student assessment project. INCRE has provided training and technical assistance in the development of a Student Assessment Unit, in the design of a national student assessment system, and in developing capacity to conduct program evaluations of educational innovations.
Analysis of National Testing System in the Dominican Republic
INCRE has worked with the Ministry of Education in the Dominican Republic to assess the educational testing and student assessment policies and to develop a plan to revise the extensive testing system that is currently in place.
National Performance Assessment System in Panama
INCRE has developed a classroom-based student performance assessment system for primary school teachers in Panama. Activities included the development and validation of evaluation activities and rubrics consistent with key learning objectives of the newly developed national curriculum, as well as the development of a comprehensive teacher’s guide for evaluation and grading of student performance. The focus is on promoting continuous assessment, with early detection and remediation of student learning difficulties.
National Testing System in El Salvador
From 1993 to 1997, INCRE provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Education in El Salvador in the implementation of a national standardized testing system. Activities included test design and validation of criterion-referenced tests in four subject areas, four rounds of national test administration in grades 3-6, processing and data analysis, and dissemination and utilization of test results to promote improvement of educational quality.
National Performance Assessment System in El Salvador
INCRE developed and implemented a classroom-based student performance assessment system for all 26,000 preschool and primary school teachers in El Salvador. Activities included the development of detailed evaluation activities, the definition of evaluation rubrics consistent with national learning objectives, as well as extensive teacher training, all designed to promote on-going assessment of student learning by teachers.

Evaluation of Educational Improvement project in the Democratic Republic of Congo
INCRE is conducting the impact evaluation for a two-year USAID project that aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning in 120 rural primary schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo. INCRE will document how teacher training activities and new instructional materials and strategies implemented by project partners Education Development Center (EDC) and the Academy for Educational Development (AED) impact on the quality of instruction, school participation and student learning, especially for girls. |
Baseline Study for Secondary Education Reform Project in Trinidad and Tobago |
INCRE has worked with the Ministry of Education of Trinidad and Tobago to design and carry out a nationwide study of educational indicators, as part of a seven-year secondary education reform program funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. The baseline study included indicators of educational achievement, instruction quality, school supervision, physical plant, educational technology and learning resources. |
Evaluation of Educational Partnership in Nicaragua
INCRE conducted the mid-term evaluation of an educational partnership between the University of York, Ontario and the Universidad URRACAN in Nicaragua. The project was funded by a grant from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Educational Evaluation Training Program in Panama
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the University of Panama, INCRE offered a post-graduate training program in educational evaluation. The one-year program is designed to establish a cadre of education professionals who will be able to design and conduct educational evaluations for the Ministry of Education. The training program was part of an educational improvement project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Planning of National Health and Education Project in Honduras
INCRE has worked with the Government of Honduras on the design and implementation of a national health and primary education program called the Escuela Saludable. The program consists of providing medical care, school lunches and education in preventive health, nutrition and environmental issues to 278,000 children in 800 low-income rural and urban communities in Honduras.
Evaluation of Kindergarten and Primary School Curricula in El Salvador
INCRE conducted national evaluations of preschool and primary school curricula and their use in Salvadoran classrooms. The evaluations included classroom observations, teacher and director interviews and surveys, focus groups, content analyses of the programs of study, and comparisons with results of national standardized tests.

Evaluation of Science Leadership Institute at Tufts University
INCRE is the external evaluator for a five-year partnership between Tufts University, TERC, Malden Public Schools and Boston's Mission Hill School to produce leaders in science education. The Fulcrum Institute for Education in Science, which will offer on-line graduate work and summer workshops in teaching physics in grades K-8, is supported by a major grant from the National Science Foundation.
Evaluation of the Nellie Mae Middle School Mathematics Improvement Project
INCRE is the evaluator for a five-year middle school mathematics improvement initiative in the Boston Public Schools. The initiative, supported by a grant of $1.5 million from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, provides for targeted professional development for BPS teachers through university-based courses and on-site coaching by experienced master teachers.
Policy Study of After-School Programs in Massachusetts
INCRE is collaborating with the United Way of Massachusetts Bay, the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services and the National Institute for Out of School Time (NIOST) at Wellesley College on the design and implementation of a statewide policy study of after-school programs in Massachusetts. This major three-year initiative aims to examine the link between after-school program quality and student outcomes. The study will also provide data on the efficacy of various models of after-school care and education. |
Evaluation of Boston School Readiness Initiative |
INCRE is the evaluator for Making Connections for School Readiness, a three-year collaboration of the Boston Children’s Museum and the Boston Public Schools to support the successful transition of children and families from early childhood education to BPS Kindergarten. The project is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Evaluation of the United Way Engaging Families Initiative
INCRE is the evaluator for the United Way Engaging Families Initiative, a four-year project to enhance parent participation and improve the quality of after-school programs in Boston. Project partners include the Black Ministerial Alliance, the Latino After-School Initiative and Parents United for Child Care. The project is supported by a grant from the DeWitt Wallace Foundation.
Evaluation of a Technology Education Program in Boston
INCRE is the evaluator for the KthruLife Technology Education program to be developed and piloted at the O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science in Boston. Partners in this project include the Boston Museum of Science, Parametric Technologies Corp., Northeastern University, and the Boston Public Schools.
Policy Guide on the Transition to Kindergarten
With the support of the Caroline and Sigmund Schott Foundation, the Boston Public Schools Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Program and the Zero to Eight Coalition, INCRE organized a symposium on issues related to the transition to Kindergarten, principles of developmentally appropriate practices, and assessment of children’s development. A policy document has been published that reflects common understandings around this complex set of issues based on the agreements made at the symposium and in subsequent discussions. This document defines the common ground between early childhood educators, Kindergarten teachers, parents and other stakeholders.
Evaluation of the Carolyn A. Lynch Institute at Emmanuel College
INCRE is the evaluator for the implementation of the Carolyn A. Lynch Institute at Emmanuel College. The goals of the Institute include developing partnerships with local public and parochial schools to enhance the quality of urban education, to prepare young teachers for careers in mathematics and science, and to strengthen the effective uses of educational technology.
Evaluation of the TERC Using Data Project
INCRE is the external evaluator for the TERC Using Data Project, a three-year initiative funded by the National Science Foundation to increase the capacity of school districts to use data effectively to guide improvement of teaching and learning in mathematics and science. INCRE is documenting project impact in participating school districts in Arizona, Nevada and Ohio.
Evaluation of Transition to Teaching Grant
INCRE is the evaluator for the New Teacher Quality Initiative in the Boston Public Schools. The goal of this five-year project is to prepare non-traditional candidates for teaching positions in special education, bilingual education, mathematics and science. The partners in this federally funded initiative include the University of Massachusetts, Boston and Northeastern University.
Evaluation of Magnet School Grant
INCRE is conducting the evaluation of the implementation of a federal Magnet School grant for $6.8 million in seven Boston High Schools and Middle Schools. The focus of the evaluation is to assess the impact of the creation of Small Learning Communities (SLCs) on student achievement and on diversity of the student population in the participating schools.

Evaluation of Boston Countdown to Kindergarten
INCRE is conducting the evaluation of the Boston Countdown to Kindergarten project, a collaborative city-wide initiative to support children’s successful transition to Kindergarten. The project is a partnership of the Boston Mayor’s Office, the Boston School Committee, the Boston Public Schools, and more than twenty public and private organizations. The evaluation is studying the process of the various project activities, and will assess the impact of the project on timely registration, increased parent outreach by schools, and enhanced coordination between Boston Public Schools and early childhood education providers. |
Teaching American History Project Evaluation
INCRE is conducting the evaluation of a three-year U.S. Department of Education grant to the Boston Public Schools to enhance the American History curriculum in middle and high school grades. Partners include the JFK Library in Boston and the University of Massachusetts. The evaluation is documenting the impact of intensive staff development on changes in instructional practices and student achievement. |
Evaluation of Alternative Education Project in Boston
INCRE has served as the evaluator for a three-year $2.25 million project to enhance the Alternative Education programs in the Boston Public Schools. The project aimed to improve the quality of education for suspended and expelled students and improve their chances of successful re-entry and graduation. The project was supported by a grant from the US Department of Education.
As part of this evaluation, INCRE has developed a publication entitled Profiles of Success that highlights some of the ways that students have benefited from BPS Alternative Education programs.
Please Click Here to view Profiles of Success (PDF)

Evaluation of the Boston Parent Organizing Network
INCRE was the evaluator for the Boston Parent Organizing Network (BPON), a coalition of several community organizations that came together to affect the quality of education in the Boston Public Schools. INCRE provided formative evaluation to guide the work of these organizations and the Institute for Responsive Education at Northeastern University which administers BPON.
Evaluation of National Head Start Faculty Training Project
INCRE was the evaluator for the Early Childhood Higher Education Faculty Initiative, a national early childhood faculty training project funded by the National Head Start Bureau and led by the Wheelock College Institute for Leadership and Career Initiatives. Fifty three-person teams participated in the project, and INCRE documented the impact of the faculty training on college course contents, the establishment of articulation agreements between colleges, changes in admissions policies, increased diversity of ECE student populations, and other indicators.
Evaluation of Summer Program for English Language Learners
INCRE conducted the evaluation of the Summer Program for English Language Learners (SPELL), an intensive academic program offered by the University of Massachusetts, Boston for 400 Boston Public School students in grades 6-11. The program was supported by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Education.
Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Evaluation
INCRE conducted two rounds of evaluation of the implementation of the Boston Public Schools Quality Full-Day Kindergarten Program, supported by an annual grant of $3.6 million from the Massachusetts Department of Education.
The evaluation focused on the assessment of class size reduction, the impact of hiring seventy-six paraprofessionals, and the effectiveness of a variety of professional development initiatives for Kindergarten teachers and early childhood educators. |

Evaluation of City-Wide Early Childhood Education Coalition in Boston
Over the past five years, INCRE conducted several evaluation studies for the Zero to Eight Coalition Coalition, a city-wide coalition in Boston that has managed over $13 million per year in Massachusetts Community Partnership Grant funds for child care subsidies, professional development, center accreditation, parent outreach and other related services.
INCRE studies have included an evaluation of all professional development, certification and parental involvement activities supported with Zero to Eight Coalition funding; a study of professional development for family child care providers; an evaluation of support services for children with special needs; a study of the transition to Kindergarten; a study of professional development needs of child care center directors; and a study of early childhood education literacy practices.
In addition, INCRE worked with the Evaluation Committee of Zero to Eight Coalition to design and implement a documentation and evaluation system to provide accountability for Coalition-supported activities of nine community clusters and more than fifteen city-wide organizations that provide a variety of non direct services. The data collection system was piloted in 2001 and was fully implemented for all Zero to Eight Coalition contractors beginning in January 2002.
Evaluation of ECE Leadership Development Projects
INCRE has conducted an impact evaluation of the Massachusetts Leadership and Empowerment Project (MassLEAP), a state-wide training program for early childhood educators. MassLEAP is a project of the Child Care Resource Center in Cambridge MA.
INCRE has also conducted the evaluation of the Connecticut Leadership and Empowerment Project (ConnLEAP), in collaboration with the Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative.

Evaluation of National Early Childhood Education Leadership Project
INCRE has been the evaluator for a national project designed to enhance the quality of leadership in early childhood education programs. The goal of the three-year project was to create professional systems and provide training for accreditation of child care and education center directors and providers, with a particular focus on minority communities. The project was led by the Center for Career Development in Early Care and Education at Wheelock College, with support from a consortium of fourteen national private foundations. |
Evaluation of the Family Child Care Enhancement Project
INCRE has completed the evaluation of the Family Child Care Enhancement Project, an initiative of the Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation to support family child care providers in the process of NAFCC accreditation in the Springfield, MA area. |
Evaluation of Boston Public Schools Learning Support Program
INCRE conducted the evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program in three Boston elementary and middle schools. The program provides after-school and summer tutoring and academic support services for children in Boston inner city schools and is supported by a grant from the US Department of Education.
Evaluation of the Massachusetts Parent Education Center
INCRE conducted the evaluation of the Massachusetts Parent Education Center, supported by the US Department of Education Title IV of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. The Center provides technical assistance and workshops for parents in literacy development, home support of children’s learning and other key topics, and is an information clearinghouse on parental issues in Massachusetts. |
Evaluation of Bilingual Technology and Literacy Project |
INCRE has conducted the evaluation of a middle school Technology and Literacy Project in the New Haven, CT Public Schools that aims to enhance the oral and written language skills of Spanish and English-speaking students through the use of computers and electronic presentation technology. The project was supported by a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education for $2.2 million.
Strategic Plan Development for Community Service Agency
INCRE has recently completed a comprehensive needs assessment and organizational strategic planning project with the Mattapan Family Service Center in Boston.
Evaluation of Science, Literacy and Technology Bilingual Education Project in New Haven, CT
INCRE has recently completed the evaluation of the Bilingual Science and Literacy Education Project in New Haven, CT, a computer assisted basic skills project for elementary school bilingual students. The project was funded by the US Department of Education Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs.

Development of Strategic Plan for ECE Organization
INCRE has recently completed the development of strategic, implementation and evaluation plans for the Early Childhood Equity Alliance in Seattle, WA.
Evaluation of Boston Transition to Kindergarten Program
INCRE conducted the evaluation of a program that brings together child care center teachers and directors with Boston Public Schools teachers, in order to promote smooth transitions for children from preschool to Kindergarten. The project was funded by a grant from Lucent Technologies.
Evaluation of Mentor Director and Teacher Project
INCRE evaluated a professional development project for child care center teachers and directors that establishes mentoring relationships between new and existing early childhood education professionals. The project is part of efforts to enhance the quality of leadership in early childhood education in the City of Boston.
Evaluation of Native American Program in Boston Public Schools
INCRE carried out the evaluation of a project to support academic achievement of the 230 Native American children enrolled in the Boston Public Schools. The project is supported by a Title IX grant from the US Department of Education.
Analysis of Bilingual Education Program in Stamford, CT
INCRE has conducted a needs assessment of the bilingual education program in six primary, middle and secondary schools in Stamford, CT, followed by a training program for project staff based on the results of the needs analysis.
Evaluation of Three Developmental Bilingual Education Projects
INCRE has conducted five annual evaluations for two-way developmental bilingual education projects in the Boston, Framingham and Salem, MA Public Schools.
Evaluation of Technology-Based Education Project for Bilingual Education Students
INCRE has conducted four annual evaluations for a project in three Massachusetts schools that promotes the use of computers in bilingual education programs.

Evaluation of Bilingual Education Programs in Lowell, MA Public Schools
INCRE conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the twenty-eight bilingual education programs in the Lowell, MA Public Schools. This includes site visits, teacher and administrator interviews, evaluation of placement and mainstreaming procedures and an analysis of student achievement.
Evaluation of Mathematics and Science Program for Bilingual Education Students
INCRE has evaluated a Boston Public Schools project that promotes hands-on mathematics and science learning in an elementary school Spanish/English bilingual education program.
Study of the State of Bilingual Education in Massachusetts
INCRE conducted a research study for the Massachusetts Department of Education that investigated the trends in the fifty-three bilingual education programs in the Commonwealth.

INCRE provides specialized staff development and training as one component of educational reform projects.
INCRE also offers customized training workshops in the following areas:
• Early Childhood Education
• Educational Evaluation
• Science and Environmental Education
• Educational Use of Computers
• Development of Critical Thinking Skills
• Cooperative Learning
• Bilingual Education
• Multicultural Education
• Cross-cultural Communication
• Curriculum Development
• Spanish as Foreign Language
• Teaching Methodologies
• Parental Involvement
Most INCRE professionals are fully bilingual Spanish-English and workshops can be offered in either language.
INCRE is a Professional Development Provider Certified by the Massachusetts Department of Education and the Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services
